Visiting Brussels with a child

Visiting Brussels with a child

Two years and three months after his birth, my son has finally had his first experience of flying to a foreign country. I wish it had happened sooner but am still grateful that it happened at all, considering how difficult it was to travel during the last two years. For our first international trip, we chose Brussels, the capital of Belgium, the city of chocolate, waffles, french fries and beer. Unsure what to expect from our first trip as a trio, we dived in without too much preparation and fretting and for that we were rewarded with a wonderful experience in a wonderful city.

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What we’ve learned about traveling with a baby from our first weekend getaway together

What we’ve learned about traveling with a baby from our first weekend getaway together

I’ve been dreaming about traveling with my child since the first moment I learned I was pregnant. To show him all the places where my parents used to take me, ones where I spent my childhood, to take weekend breaks to locations close to our home town just for a change of scenery, to visit my favourite European destinations and see them through his eyes,… to discover the world together.

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Why you should travel independently at least once in your life

Why you should travel independently at least once in your life

I have been an independent traveler for 12 years now. My first self-planned travel endeavor was a three-day trip to Ravenna, Rimini and San Marino in Italy, where I went with my family: I remember thinking what a big achievement it was to individually contact a hotel, successfully arrange and complete the trip – it was the time when, at least in my part of the world, we still used road maps, didn’t have smartphones and were afraid of telephoning abroad because of extravagant roaming costs. Ever since those simpler (and in a way, nicer) days, I have been independently organizing trips I take on my own, with my family and friends and have been strongly advocating this type of travel to anyone who wants to listen. Continue reading “Why you should travel independently at least once in your life”

Wise words to inspire your travels

Wise words to inspire your travels

There are many beautiful thoughts and quotes about traveling that make you feel, upon reading them, as if someone turned into words your own feelings, ones you often find so difficult to verbalize and explain. They often describe traveling as a way of learning, changing, taking chances and getting outside of your comfort zone, letting every traveler know that their feelings and beliefs are universal, shared between all of us. Continue reading “Wise words to inspire your travels”

Where to next?

Where to next?

Winter has really arrived to Rijeka, with temperatures below zero and hurricane-like northern winds, which means that it’s the time of the year when my itchy feet itch the most. So as I simultaneously plan and daydream about my next travel destinations, let me share with you some tips that might help you decide where (and when) to travel next. Continue reading “Where to next?”